Monday, April 28, 2014

Cheshire Half Marathon

Another half in the wasn't what I wanted it to be...I lost it at mile 10...hills and was not fun!  But I did it and remembered to be proud of it...I have trained all winter long...that something most would do here in New England, it was a freezing cold winter! 

Firefly Girls ready to was cold...but that a good thing, right!
Cheers!!  We did it!!
Ice, Ice Baby!!!
Race Reward!!  Peach and Pineapple Sweet Frog...yum!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


26 days till the Cheshire Half Marathon  long runs have been good and weekday runs not so great.  I have to figure this it time for a new route, maybe...also time to switch back to running in the morning during the week.  Running after work, after getting the kids where they need to be and throwing together mind isn't there for the run. 

26 make they changes...time to make it happen!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

to begin again...

writing has never been my sister she can not so much.  But I have been having this feeling that I need to get back to this space that I started so long ago.  It won't be what it started out as...but a place to write and document my running journey.

I am coming up on a year anniversary of the event that kicked me in the butt and changed me for the good.  Last May (2013) I did a Ragnar Relay...I was running but not enough, I wallowed in self pity, had excuses of why not to run.  Ragnar Cape Cod was an amazing experience...I was not amazing, I was the weak link, I was the one everyone waited for...I was slow, I was an easy "kill" to other teams running...I was a disappointment to myself.

I came back from Ragnar...ready to change, ready to take my life back...ready to find the new me!  So I found a half marathon in September...I made a training schedule...I followed it to a T...I ran by myself never missing a day. 

I lost weight, I felt better, I felt like ME!!!  I ran the Suftown Half Marathon with friends...I was proud of me...I wasn't the fastest out there...but that meant there will be room for improvement.

And there has been...